:::: 개발 ::::/::: 리 눅 스 :::

도커 컴포즈 오류날때.. 지우고 지우고 재시작 port is already allocated

nayha 2020. 6. 3. 17:04

docker-compose down

docker rm -fv $(docker ps -aq)

lsof -i -P -n | grep 5432


해결 ~ 끝

왜 포트를 사용하고 있지 ~~ 

Docker-compose up failing because "port is already allocated"


Docker-compose up failing because "port is already allocated" · Issue #4950 · docker/compose

My docker container is able to successfully build but when I enter the command docker-compose build, the following error is returned: Starting docker_etl_1 ... Starting 1e5f56853e10_1e5f56853e10_1e...

