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spring sts 에서 android 개발하기

nayha 2014. 2. 24. 18:06

How to install Android SDK in SpringSource Tool Suite on Linux Mint and Ubuntu

1.       Install Android SDK
a.       Download Android SDK
b.      Extract the file into any folder. I usually install applications into /opt when I don’t use a package manager.
c.       Run [/opt/android-sdk-linux/tools/android]

e.      Select APIs and Click [Install Packages…]
2.       Setup Eclipse
a.       Run Eclipse. I use SpringSource Tool Suite.
b.      Click [Help > Install New Software…]
c.       Input (https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/) in an edit box labeled [Work with:]
d.      Click [Add…]
e.      Input (ADT plugin) in an edit box labeled [Name] and Click [OK]
f.        Click [Select All] and [Developer Tools] and [NDK Plugins] may be selected.
g.       Click [Next >]

요렇게 추가해 주면 끝

출처 ) http://juliendkim.blogspot.kr/2012/07/how-to-install-android-sdk-in.html
