:::: 개발 ::::/└ JSP & SPRING

windows spring boot cli 설정 (윈도우) 1

nayha 2020. 1. 13. 18:05

cli 로 배포 / 생성등이 메뉴얼에서 안내..


이게 모지?? 하면서 정리


spring-boot-cli-2.2.2.RELEASE-bin 다운로드 ( https://repo.spring.io/release/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-cli/2.2.2.RELEASE/spring-boot-cli-2.2.2.RELEASE-bin.zip )



환경변수 설정


spring_home 설정


Path 에 추가

그 후 cmd 에서 spring 입력하면 명령 가능 ~~


cmd 에서 spring

Installing the CLI https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/spring-boot-cli.html#cli-installation



Spring Boot CLI

Once you have installed the CLI, you can run it by typing spring and pressing Enter at the command line. If you run spring without any arguments, a simple help screen is displayed, as follows: $ spring usage: spring [--help] [--version] [ ] Available comma


